Failure computer: repair it or replace it?

Computer repair shop West Pennant Hills

The nature of the failure :

First, you need to determine the nature of the problem. This way, you will know if a repair is still possible. Take the example of a computer with a cracked screen on which nothing can be seen. If the computer still works great, there’s no reason to trade it in for a new one. Just replace the cracked screen and you’re done.

Also in the case of a computer that is still repairable, you must evaluate the cost of the repairs and compare it to the current market value of your PC. If you think that the market value is not as high as the repair cost, go ahead and buy a new one. 

Computer age :

Your computer is not eternal. It has a lifespan that varies from 3 to 7 years, depending on its quality. If you want to make the right decision, do not forget to take this criterion into account. If your device breaks down and it is already 6 years old, it might be better to buy instead of repair it.  

And on your next purchase, try to opt for a model with a longer lifespan. How? Avoid cheap computers that are made with inferior materials and have inefficient cooling systems.

Watch out for software costs :

After much thought, have you decided to buy a new computer? Before actually taking action, experts draw your attention to a few last details that should not be overlooked. 

First, in addition to the purchase cost, you must include the cost of the software. Indeed, you may find yourself obliged to re-purchase software that you are not authorized to transfer to your new equipment.

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Then there is also the cost of transferring your data and files from your current hard drive to your new laptop.

Finally, remember that a new computer is more complex to handle with different software. It may take some getting used to. You may even need to undergo training.

In the end, it is up to you to decide based on your financial situation and the use of your computer. But if you need advice, don’t hesitate to ask a computer repair professional.


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